David Schiesser is an extremely gifted medium and healer, as well as an extraordinary teacher of mediumship and healing. He has a genuine love and passion for his teaching and a genuine interest in and concern for his students’ development and success. He is an outstanding communicator, as evidenced by the excellent quality and clarity of his instruction and the congenial rapport he develops with his students. Engaging and inspiring, he provides valuable techniques and promotes an atmosphere of safety which empowers students to take risks and go beyond what they thought possible. I have attended several of David’s lectures and workshops, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a dedicated, talented professional. It is my great pleasure to recommend his classes.
Rev. Susan Cahill, Sparta, New Jersey
David Schiesser is a brilliant, sensitive tutor for students in various levels of mediumship, and classes with ‘mixed level’ students. His authentic warmth, personality, and approachability creates an atmosphere for a thoroughly relaxed, enjoyable class. At the beginning of every multi-day class, David reviews what the class objectives are, and inquires what our personal goals are. His classes are extremely well thought out. His lectures and exercises build slowly and carefully from one the next. David combines lectures with exercises, so we are aware of what, and why we are doing what is asked. He invites participation with questions, using the Socratic method to teach, so we discover in lieu of being told. He has been known to have the class experiment with an exercise by doing things in two different ways - so we will recognise and remember the difference. As he monitors the class exercises, whether online or in person, David knows exactly what each of us is experiencing. In the midst of an exercise, David provides a very quiet, short instruction to each of us individually, as needed, assisting our development. He always keeps the class moving to achieve the objectives within sensible time frames. At the end of the last day of class, David reviews with us the objectives of the class and our individual goals. Lo and behold, “we got what we expected, we received what we needed, and more!”1
1This is a ‘David saying.’, Mary L., NY
Note: I had the opportunity for a spiritual assessment by David. He realistically saw my strengths and weaknesses, and advised what I should focus on to progress. It is working.
I cannot say enough good things about David’s teaching. For me, most valuable is his ability to read a student’s energy and determine where that student is at any given moment. This feedback enables me to make helpful and important adjustments in that moment. David has a great sense of humor and the entire experience is very positive, uplifting and inspiring. I enjoy every moment of my time with him and recommend him to anyone interested in developing their potential.
Denise H.